Sponsor an IWN event

Sponsorship opportunities

Our industry events and conferences provide a unique opportunity to present your product or innovation to the Victorian water industry. As the industry’s safe sandpit for technology trials, we’ll connect you to innovators and changemakers across the sector.

Who it’s for

Organisations with products, services or innovations that can change how we operate within the water and sewer industry. There are limited opportunities to sponsor our events each year. We look for organisations that fit with our program and purpose – trialling and showcasing new technologies, innovations and thinking for our water corporation members, and providing development opportunities for their emerging leaders.

How it works

We offer different sponsorship options at our annual industry conference, dinner and Knowledge Sharing Conference. Each provides you with the opportunity to present your brand to our members and to network with industry representatives.

Coming up

Our next event is our annual Victorian Water Industry Conference

Find out more

If you’d like to find out more about our sponsorship opportunities and packages, please download our general prospectus below. You can also email us with enquiries.